Saturday, February 7, 2009

One sweet snowy day

Here's the thing; It hardly snows in Paris. It hardly goes below -2 °c. But this winter has been surprising and unexpected. Had I known it'd snow this much, I would've brought my ski gears from Grenoble, especially my snow shoes for the walks in the woods at our backyard.

When it snowed in December, I was super excited as the snow stayed for a whole week. Then it snowed again a week ago one early Monday morning but melted away by lunch time. Today it happened again. We left for the gym at noon and 2 hours later, everything was covered in snow. Everything was transformed to sublime wonderment.

Despite the cold, we decided to promenade in the woods after a hearty meal at lunch. All of a sudden, we turned 10 years old at that instance and started throwing snow balls at each other. It was fun and refreshing! But the best part of the day was what was waiting for us at home after spending 2 hours walking in the wilderness.
A big cup of hot cocoa... hmm.

Life just couldn't get better than this.